Achievement Badges

This is a list of badges you have achieved or can achieve on Tool Battles by taking part in the community & visiting daily. Some badges need a Premium membership, but most are available for everybody!

  • Land on a 404 Page 🙈

People who have earned this:

  • Profile photo of Sprout Processing
  • Profile photo of xbase
  • Profile photo of dailydev
  • Profile photo of Ilya
Quest 365
  • 365 Day Visit Streak
Quest 100
  • 100 Day Visit Streak
Quest 30
  • 30 Day Visit Streak
Quest 7
  • 7 Day Visit Streak

People who have earned this:

  • Profile photo of Sponsora XYZ
  • Profile photo of VESTA CBD
  • Profile photo of Robert Slate Jr
  • Subscribe to a Product's Newsletter

People who have earned this:

  • Profile photo of Sponsora XYZ
  • Profile photo of Robert Slate Jr
Caffeinated Commenter
  • Write 100 Comments
  • Submit a Press Release
Story Time
  • Share a Founder Story
First Product
  • Upvote 1 Product

People who have earned this:

  • Profile photo of Umang Rathod
  • Profile photo of Mana Telugodu
  • Profile photo of manasa nair
  • Profile photo of Santner Josh
  • Profile photo of Celebrity Spotlight
  • Profile photo of Kodi Guddu
  • Profile photo of Klara Ruby
  • Profile photo of Christine
  • Profile photo of Dororthy
  • Profile photo of john den
  • Profile photo of Hannah
  • Profile photo of Surya

New Report
