Chicago Police Report

Order your police report from the Chicago Police Department

Do you need your full police report from the Chicago Police Department? Insurance companies, lawyers, and city departments need these reports for all kinds of purposes.

Obtaining the report is annoying: you have to travel to Headquarters during their limited business hours, park, wait in line, fill out multiple forms, wait in more lines, and more. Most people don’t have time for this.

With our convenient service, we will help you get your police report quickly and easily. We will submit the request for you on your behalf to obtain your Case Report or Traffic Crash Report.

10-14 days later, the report shows up in your mailbox.

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2023 Chicago Police Report Revenue

*Revenue is self reported. Tool Battles does not verify revenue.

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2022 Chicago Police Report Revenue

*Revenue is self reported. Tool Battles does not verify revenue.

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Last updated: July 11, 2024




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