Customers can browse large sets of products quickly and intuitively is mission-critical for your Magento store. Scriptzol Ajax Layered Navigation provides a solution to this problem. It allows your users to jump directly and instantly to whatever they are interested in. A vast improvement over the default Magento layered navigation with multiple-categories filter, attribute filter, visual price slider, visual color swatch and more. Display multiple filters and handy widgets to help visitors instantly find the products they need.
- Easy to find and display products
- Multiple Attributes Filter
- Visual Price Slider
- Instant Filter Results
- Themes Support
- 24/7 Support
- 30 Days Free Support
- Our Extensions are Easy Installation & Configuration
- Our Codes are reusability
- Our Extensions are Safe & Secure
- Admin can enable/disable all facilities
Single Click Enable / Disable
Admin can enable / disable the extension in a single click.
Easy to find and display products
Our Magento 2 extension used can be easy to find products, categories and sub-categories displayed store pages on.
Multiple attributes filter
Magento 2 extension allows buyers to easily select multiple filters. The multi-select layered navigation can be applied for various product attributes with many options. Users can filter the products by multiple attributes.
Visual price slider
The extension adds a new slider filter type. It lets you filter products by any numerical value: price, dimensions, weight, etc. Allows to display price navigation as a scrollable range slider, thus the customers can easily search the store catalog by price.
Visual color swatch
At the same time, the product filter shows as a drop-down that can be used if you want to limit the option for an attribute. Swatches can be defined as a component of the visual color attribute or text-based value.
Instant Filter Results
Displays the number of matching records found instantly, without any page reloads. When each filter option is checked and counted against every product in the category, the pagination and results sorting will be updated instantly.
Theme Support
Scriptzol Ajax Layered Navigation is Compatible with any Magento 2 responsive themes. Our Magento2 extensions theme can be supported for any Magento2 Store.
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