
Create viral posts with AI-enhanced hook templates
Robert Slate JrGabriel Franco

Instantly generate human-like social posts with our AI-driven hook prompts. Transform your topics into polished writing with one-click.


AI Hook Prompts: Automatically generates social posts that mimic human writing, transforming basic topics into polished content with a single click.

Viral Hook Templates: Generate content with hook prompt templates based on the strategies of top influencers, enabling users to create content that’s more likely to captivate audiences and gain popularity.

Diverse Content Templates: Includes templates for various content types, such as Twitter threads, LinkedIn posts, essays, etc., catering to different social media and professional writing needs.

Content Psychology: Modify your output with four types of content strategies (Educate, Entertain, Challenge, Empathize) to create posts that resonate with and engage audiences.

TypePrompt.com is for creators who need to create consistently great content.

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Last updated: February 18, 2024




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